
Stephanie Talks about Space Clearing

I gave a teleclass on Space Clearing which was very fun and wonderful. Cyndi Silva, the host of the Wisdom Wednesday Show, made it very easy for me to share what I know about this art and science of “loving up” our spaces.**

If you’re interested in listening to this one-hour program, and to download the MP3 for free, click here [and scroll down the page*].


If you’d like to learn…

  • How space clearing is different from clutter clearing;
  • How you can detach (from things, emotional attachments, outcomes) using my four-part “unplugging” process;
  • How to clear anything from a drawer to the disturbing effects of loss [of a loved one, for example];
  • What to do when you’re at your wits end and you just don’t know what to do anymore;
  • How to adopt clearing as a daily practice and experience a live ah-ha moment from another listener…

This program is for you.

Warning: My voice is slow and measured in this one-hour class.

  • If you could use a bit of soothing energy… slowing, easing, allowing;
  • Or a chance to clear your attachment to speed, quick fixes, and sound bites;
  • Or just get some plain ol’ quality sleep 😉

This program is for you.

Click here to listen*

*Scroll down the page and click on the box that says: Recorded Wed. Aug. 25 – Space Clearing with Stephanie Bennett Vogt.”

**To learn more about Space Clearing, click here. From there you will be directed to my series of related posts on the subject

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