
Create a Story Board: Dream Big, Map it Out, Attract

Oprah calls it a “Story Board.” I’ve also heard it called a vision board or an ideal image poster.

Whatever you want to call it, creating a beautiful collage that combines everything you could ever hope and dream for is a total blast! And no better time than the present time.

If you could use a little help getting started, there’s a free online template on Oprah’s OWN website here. If you’re already a member of Oprah.com, you’ll be asked to log in to get started. If you’re not a member of Oprah.com yet, you’ll be asked to join for free.

Here’s the one I made over the holidays using the Oprah.com template:

Happy New Year!

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  • Elle Wogan

    Thank you Stephanie, my friends are getting toether as a group to do this and this will help give us some direction. Lynne

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