
“There is a fountain inside you. Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.”–Rumi

There is a program that I teach every spring at the Kripalu Center where we spend two and half days embracing the myriad (excruciating and comical) ways we hold on to stress and clutter.

We talk about how our stress and stuff makes us feel. We release it ceremonially with love.

It takes courage to really let go. It takes courage to feel the feelings that come up when you take a decisive step and face your fears. It takes courage to commit to what really matters.

Courage – as in heart – if you go by the original meaning of the word.

If you could use a little extra support, consider this resource  – hot off the presses!

For decades, New York Times bestselling author Debbie Ford has been helping people break free from the emotional baggage that has held them hostage. With her new book Courage: Overcoming Fear and Igniting Self-Confidence, she offers her most personal, powerful, and potent work to date—a proven process for overcoming insecurity and fear and unlocking the enormous courage that resides within.

Debbie Ford has excelled in the school of life, overcoming drug addiction, divorce, a heartbreaking betrayal, and a grave cancer diagnosis. How did she find the courage, confidence and strength to become one of the world’s foremost thought leaders? She tells us in this book. And she outlines a powerful process to help you become all you have wanted to be.

COURAGE is a book about transforming fear, unworthiness, insecurity and powerlessness into courage, confidence and emotional freedom. This book outlines a transformational process that will deliver you to a version of yourself and your life that will inspire, excite and exhilarate you. In this book, you will discover how to accept and transform your flaws, your misgivings, your weaknesses, and your fears. You will learn how to be confident, stand in your strength, and feel great about your life.  You will activate the seven guiding principles of courage to become strong, powerful, confident and courageous.

And you will experience a new kind of courage and a new kind of confidence that will propel you into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future.  When you recognize the strength, power, and freedom of the courage that has been present in you all along, you will realize that you have the power to accomplish your heart’s desires.

Wayne Dyer wrote in the Foreword to  Courage “I can assure you that you will find yourself becoming more and more equipped to deal with all of your life’s challenges from a new and stronger position of self-confidence and, yes, courage as well.”

I agree. Read Courage.

CLICK HERE to purchase your copy. It comes with some wonderful free gifts and a chance to win many incredible prizes—including a one-hour coaching session with Debbie herself!

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