
Here’s a radical idea. How would you like to…

  • Attachments to things, thoughts, people and outcomes;
  • Emotions that negatively affect you;
  • Relationships from the past that no longer support you;
  • Resisting patterns that keep you stuck and unable to move forward;
  • Possessions that don’t serve you or feel quite right;
  • Unfinished projects;
  • And much more…?
Then consider joining us on March 10-13 at the fabulous Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts!

Learn more and read testimonials


Greater Ease…

Sparkly… Unburdened

LIGHTER beyond your wildest imaginings   

inspired, nourished



For cost, logistics, and details, click here

What people are saying about Stephanie’s Personal Clearing program:

  • I’d like to thank you, and the clearing you’ve created, for allowing me catch a glimmer of my self… I feel more like me.
  • Three days may be a long time to commit to leaving work, family, and other responsibilities. Still it was masterfully designed; each day a stepping-stone to the next and masterfully executed!
  • I’m amazed how powerful this work is! Seeing the results in a loved one that has been cleared. Thank you!
  • I liked that all you need is yourself to do this work. Thank you again for sharing this amazing experience.
  • I’ve lost 30 pounds in the last 9 weeks… Can’t believe I’ve been able to do it because I love coffee/chocolate/lard/sugar!!! Of course there are bite marks all over the woodwork in our house, but I’m sticking with it. I have so much more energy…I really hope people get the message that this work will change their lives for the better.
  • I feel lighter, more accepting, less challenged, and able to handle anything.
  • Stephanie, you teach from your heart, and it was a gift to witness!
  • I have found I don’t react to everything that used to annoy me. Or if I do, I’m able to get over it quickly and not take it personally.
  • Kudos to you, Stephanie, for personally involving yourself with your work. I’ve never before experienced a teacher with such a follow-up presence. Truly, in so doing you have gone above and beyond the norm, even in a field that is perhaps not itself the ‘normal’ and yet, at the same time, extra-ordinary!
  • I LOVED this class. It’s as if this amazing door has opened for me.

Learn more, read more testimonials


Photo art by Lich-Tung via Pinterest

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