
Gift Ideas That Are Not Things

Christmas TreeIt’s that time of year again – the annual scramble to order, buy, wrap, ship…

Tell me, does anyone out there find all this acquisitive crazy-making fun?!? And how does one honor the season in a way that is truly nourishing for all?

My reply to a question I received some time ago might help:

Q: So, I have a random question to ask, if I may.  In the spirit of creating space and de-cluttering our lives, how do you approach the subject of “gift-giving this time of year?  Do you talk about this in your book? I just wondered if you had any suggestions or ideas of what you like to give as gifts, in addition to your book, of course!  We all have so much “stuff” and none of us really need anything.  I just thought I would throw that out there.  J

A: Hi J.

As you know, my general message is all about reducing the volume of stuff we have and increasing our practices in letting them go – with ease, presence, and love.

As for what to give people, I usually reach for experiences (dinners, tickets to concerts, trips) that people will enjoy and r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r.

You can try any one of these suggestions by Daniel J. Fink in his article in the LA Times:

“If you feel a need to give, give food to the hungry, clothes and toys to those in need, or donations to victims of storms, violence or conflict. A plate of homemade cookies or some other delicacy delivered personally is a much better way to remember friends and family than a meaningless generic gift, a “dustable” to sit on the shelf or yet another ill-fitting sweater in the wrong color. And most older people need even fewer things. Unfortunately, what they really want — youth, vigor, health — are things we can’t give them. But they, and I’m sure many others, would appreciate a call, a card or a visit from family, neighbors and friends. So will you.”*

As for a gift idea that relates directly to clearing, you might consider giving someone my online course on DailyOM. “A Year to Clear” offers 365 daily messages designed to release what’s holding you back, and nourish what’s calling you forward.

If a year is too long, consider my popular 28-day course on DailyOM. “Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life” is the online companion to the book Your Spacious Self.

What is super about both these courses – or any of the other rich offerings that you’ll find on DailyOM  – is that you pay whatever you can afford above one dollar.

For the money it’s one of the best deals around to lift people’s spirits, lighten their load, and last a lifetime!

Hope this helps.

With all my best wishes for a happy holiday season and a clear new year!


* “The Season of Excess Begins.” Op-ed by Daniel J. Fink,  LA Times.

For more inspiration, check out “What Do You Gift a Dying Man?” HERE

Photo by Camilla Bennett Vogt

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