
Turn Up the Light, Change the World

If I were to summarize in the simplest way what I do when I’m space clearing a home, it would be this: I shine light on stuck places and bring them back into balance.

In other words, I find disturbances and love them up.

If that sounds mystifying, think of a light on a dimmer switch. Anything you do to love up your home with awareness and compassionate detachment – whether it is clearing out a drawer, putting the dishes away, taking out the trash – turns up the light. When you lead more with the heart (instead of the head) you’ll notice the energy magically shift (and lift) in a space. Truly. Though subtle, if you were to measure the ambient light after a space clearing, it is brighter.

Ultimately, it is the frequencies of the heart that change the game for good.

If all this still sounds too woo-woo, there is plenty of scientific research from the Heartmath Institute to back it up. For our purposes here, I’ve transcribed a short excerpt with a beautiful meditation that cuts to the chase. [You can also just scroll down and watch the video clip below* where it comes from]:

A study done in 1997 in Germany at the University of Kassel measured how many photons per second were emitted from an average person’s chest. Photons are little parcels (packets) of light information are how we communicate with other people; how every cell of our body communicates with the other cells.

The higher photon count, the higher light we emit, the more coherence and health we have in our system.

They measured that the average person was emitting around 20 photons of light per second.

They then asked the volunteers to meditate specifically on their hearts and send out love to the world. The meditation lasted about 20 minutes. They were asked to close their eyes, slow their breath, imagine that they’re breathing in and out of their heart; make their exhale longer than their inhale.

Then they measured again and the number of photons on average had gone from 20 to 100,000 by sending out heart-based love to the world!

If you can remember that everything in the world is vibrating energy and frequency and pour it out to the collective and do it in numbers, boy can we shift out the less positive energy in the world.

Pam Gregory – [from video clip below*]

If a heart-based practice can be so effective at shifting the energies at home, imagine what can happen when you direct those same frequencies out in the world!

Let’s turn up the light, shall we?  Instead of steeping in more bad news that sends us spiraling down the proverbial rabbit hole of worry and fear, consider five minutes a day of conscious loving-up. It is something we can do to take our power back, make a difference, and lighten the load for everyone!

It costs nothing and can change everything. It is certainly helping me!


*Note: Disregard the date on the screen. The clip you see here is a sidebar from the reading. Pam Gregory’s eloquent reflections on the power of the heart are timeless. They’ll inspire no matter when you tune in.

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