
Nourishing the Mother in All of Us


Did you know that I was chosen 2010 Mother of the Decade? Here’s the TV spot to prove it:

Stephanie Vogt Receives Prestigious Mother of the Year Award

Actually, this is a cute little gimmick from the folks of MomsRising.org. Just input anybody’s name and email address and she (or he) will receive their own customized TV featurette, including name tattooed on a hunky guy’s lower back.

To all the moms, step-moms, surrogate moms, dads that are moms, aunties, mom-wanna-bes, mom-don’t-wanna-bes … and any one who has the ability to be a listening presence and hold a space of quiet comfort for another being …

I honor you!

So what is one thing you can do that nourishes YOU?

Not just this Sunday, but every day!

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