
Starting Over – And Over


This is what I posted on my SpaceClear page on Facebook on New Year’s Eve: “Every moment is a happy new year. Enjoy yours!”

Someone wrote: “Kinda cool tho that tomorrow is 1 1 1 1 isn’t it…new chance at starting over… I would love to get it right..”

My reply: “Love the 1-1-11! Though the idea of “getting it right” suggests you’re “doing it wrong” – a concept that doesn’t exist when you’re in present time. I say stay with “now” and you’re golden. Happy starting over – and over – again!”

In “spacious speak” the concept of wanting to get something right is simply the mind doing its efforting dance – when it doesn’t like something, or is attached to something, or remembering something…

From the past.

The only thing that is real – and really juicy – is happening right now.

Happy New YOU!

p.s. If you’re on Facebook, come join the party, and the conversations that arise from time to time at SpaceClear!

Photo: Bing Images

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  • Lynne Wogan

    Well that was me, and I like your reframing the concept for me…all is well as it is … right now…every moment.

    there, see what an excellent student I am..

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