

Can you feel it too? There’s something in the air – and it’s not just that my most favorite show on television So You Think You Can Dance had its best finale ever [read: out of body experience for me]! It seems that the planets are all lining up in an auspicious way; a cosmic order of sorts showing up in all kinds of insanely good, or significant, ways.

One of these signs arrived for me last weekend when my husband and I saw a wild turkey and her two babies sunning and strutting in our back yard!! Omigod, this never happens!

You’re probably thinking, what’s the big deal, turkeys are freaky ugly…or, happens all the time in my neighborhood, but this did not feel to me like your average wildlife event. Though I regret not reaching for the camera, I did reach for my animal Medicine Cards book to find out more about what this presence was trying to tell me:

Turkey was the medicine of many saints and mystics. Celebrate if you have Turkey mediicine. You have transcended self. You act and react on the behalf of others. You aspire to help those who need help. This is not out of some sense of self-righteous moralism or religious guilt. Help and sustenance is given by Turkey out of the realization that all life is sacred. It is knowing that the Great Spirit resides within all people. It is the acknowledgement that what you do for others you do for yourself. Turkey medicine rests in true ego, in enlightenment. Doing unto others and feeding the people is the message of all true spiritual systems.”

– Excerpted from Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals, by Jamie Sams and David Carson.

Add to this the fact that the full moon this week was not just your average full moon. Somewhere on the planet there was an eclipse too (I’m told). It was the third in a series of eclipse events that have taken place in a one month period. Here’s what I’ve learned about full moon eclipses:

“A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse signifies a period when things come to fruition. It portends an auspicious time to let go of something that is outworn, whether it be a possession, a habit, a limiting belief, or a relationship that doesn’t serve your highest good. Additionally, eclipses provide a great opportunity for outward manifestation with life-changing events—sometimes expected, sometimes not—often happening around this time.” [source unknown]

Finally, there is the radiant image of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Beauty, who showed up unannounced in my email inbox this week. [See her here.] Every time I look at her, I feel the swell that comes from feeling insanely blessed…

…the feeling of being in the right place at the right time.

How about you? What are some of the signs you are seeing these days that indicate that there are big changes in the air? Are you experiencing any dreams, synchronicities, or ah-has worth noting?

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