To Laugh or To Cry

Sometimes life delivers a perfect storm of disasters that are so bad they’re funny. It’s almost like the Universe is doing a koochie-koo to get us to take ourselves less seriously. My [...]

The Spa in Spacious

Spacious. I love that it begins with the letters “Spa”…as in where you go to feel good. Main Entry: spa·cious Pronunciation: ˈspā-shəs Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, [...]

The Cost of Clutter

Ever wonder what all those extra bottles of shampoo you hang onto (just in case) cost in REAL dollars? Throw in the creams, gels, half-used tubes of toothpaste, and make-up that looked really [...]

An Intention Experiment

In keeping with the theme of increasing abundance, attracting what you most desire, and raising the energy of the planet, I offer this invitation from Dr. Joe Vitale to anybody for whom it [...]

Signs of Change

Can you feel it too? There’s something in the air – and it’s not just that my most favorite show on television So You Think You Can Dance had its best finale ever [read: out of body [...]