
The power of one is the power to do something.


Not so long ago, a little girl in Alabama wanted to go to the same school as everyone else. And a gentle man from India wanted to raise consciousness without raising his voice. In East Germany, a man wanted to break free. And a woman traveled the world giving hope to those who had none…

This is the power of one.

The power of one is the power to do something.


––From  www.OneEarth.org

What is one thing you can today that can make a difference? You can begin by dropping these phrases into your awareness, and watching what arises:

  • Why it is easy for me to make a difference…
  • How it is easy for me to make a difference…
  • One thing I can do in one minute that can make a difference…

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  • […] If you need a little extra nudge of inspiration, you might enjoy this beautiful (short) video I posted a while ago called “The Power of One.” […]

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