
“Over the Hill” Redefined

RainbowIt is considered the end. Or the beginning of the end.

If you’ve hit a certain numerical marker, you’re over the hill.

Certain body parts aren’t moving quite as fast as they used to? Over the hill. Crows feet and gray hair? Step back, you’re over the hill. Can’t keep up with lightning-speed changes in technology? Move over slow-poke, you’re over the hill. Are you a 40-year old Hollywood actress? Sorry, the two spots reserved in this category have already been taken by Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. Never mind that you’re supremely gifted and experienced, and the world could use you as a role model. You’re over the hill.

Ouch. This harsh, myopic branding that comes from the media and a culture obsessed with youth and vigor covers just about everyone over 40 (or 30, in some cases). Especially women.

What is wrong with this picture? Who decides these things and what can we do about changing a paradigm that is limiting, demeaning, unconscious, untrue, a downer, low-vibrational… clutter?

I for one will step forward with my little bit to shine new light on this subject. May it help us all to remember that with age comes wisdom. And with wisdom, we lighten and evolve. It’s a pretty good trade-off, I think.

Here’s what “over the hill” means to me:

  • Opening to new vistas (new expressions, ideas, ah-has); seeing past our nose to the endless possibilities ahead;
  • Moving beyond the “comfort zone hill” we’ve been inhabiting all our lives;
  • Beginning anew: climbing a new hill, facing a new challenge or adventure;
  • Envisioning with giddy anticipation something that has not yet been revealed;
  • Trusting in not-knowing, in what cannot be seen but intuitively know to be true;
  • Receiving riches beyond our wildest imaginings.

How about you? We welcome your “over the hill” re-frames in the comment box below, or on our SpaceClear page on Facebook.

p.s. If you find this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

Photo credit: pdphoto.org

Showing 2 comments
  • Mary

    I’m 65 so I guess that makes me so far over the hill I’m slidin’ down the other side, sayin’ WHEEE all the way down to to that vast plato of sparkling goodies I could see from the top.

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Mary, that is just about the best description of over the hill I’ve seen. YOU GO GIRL! I’ll see you on the slide rolling in sparkling goodies!

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