
Fall 2010 – Starting Over


“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” –Henry David Thoreau

Fall. More than it just being one of the most beautiful seasons in New England where I live, it always signals a time for me of shift and new beginnings…an invitation to show up, regroup, renew.

But you don’t need to wait until “school starts” or New Year’s to hit the refresh button in your life. You can start over right now. Right this second. My fall newsletter* might help you remember how [click the link below to see it]

* I publish my newsletters four times a year. If you enjoy this compilation of good news, resources, and updates from my world, I invite you to subscribe. (Just click the link below)

Happy  new beginnings everyone!


Fall 2010: Starting Over**

Click here to view

** SpaceClear Journeys is published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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