
It’s Cozy Time: Yummy Ways to Dial Down the Stress

(Don’t you just want to dive into this bed?)

I look at a my watch these days and I can’t believe it’s only 5 pm. It’s pitch black outside! I actually love this time of year when twinkly lights abound in people’s windows and doorways.

It’s cozy time. Tea and blankey time. Cave time.

What I don’t love is the mad rushing of the holiday season. It just doesn’t match my internal need for more quiet space and deep rest.

If you are feeling similarly misaligned and out of sorts – any time of the year – you might want to consider adopting some of my favorite ways to dial it back and nestle into some yummy cosiness:

  • Take a salt and soda bath
  • Repeat the phrase “I choose ease,” every time you think of it and notice how your body responds
  • String some twinkly lights in your favorite room, and and enjoy the space with all other lights turned off
  • Light a candle and set an intention
  • Make a fabulous cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate
  • Wrap yourself in a warm fuzzy “blankey”
  • Take a nap or a catnap
  • Close the shades and curtains to cozy up the room even more
  • Light a fire in your fireplace or woodstove
  • Eat dinner by the fire
  • Eat dinner in your twinkly room, or by candlelight
  • Eat dinner in bed
  • Do the floor pose
  • Say no graciously (e.g. “sorry it doesn’t work for me right now”)
  • Give yourself permission to dial it back no matter what your mind tells you
  • Choose self-care no matter what your mind tells you

What makes you feel supremely yummy?

Feel free to share your favorite ways of getting cozy in the comment box below.

Photo: Sticks&Stones via Google Images


Showing 2 comments
  • Lauren Williams

    I have just cleaned the drawer in my nightstand. It had managed to become the twin of my junk drawer in the kitchen, with no effort! Guess which drawer is next?

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Go for it, Lauren! … Will also love to know if clearing out the nightstand makes any difference in the quality of your sleep and dreams. Keep us posted!

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