
Clearing is an Inside Job

Secret-Garden1I received a really great question the other day to my recent post “Lean In”:


So once you identify what you are feeling do you tell the person?

My reply

Great question.

Not necessarily. The focus – of feeling with compassionate awareness – is mostly internal.

The good news is that adopting a daily practice of “clearing” this way increases your chance of healing the relationship (with the person, thing, or issue) without having to say or do anything.

The only “telling” I recommend is sharing your feelings with someone who can hold a witnessing space for you: someone who is not attached to the issue or the outcome, and can listen unconditionally without giving advice or fixing.

This is why I’m a big fan of building a strong supportive, and safe, container that your feelings can bump up against. You can learn how to do that here.

Hope this helps!




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