
A Year to Clear is Here!

“…daybooks have become inner food…a sturdy container for small doses of what matters.”–Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening

I am thrilled to announce the arrival of my new book: A Year to Clear: A Daily Guide to Creating Spaciousness in Your Home and Heart!  It’s been a long time coming – years, in fact. I can’t believe she’s really here!

My husband made a spontaneous video – (read: no glam, make up, or combed hair) – of me seeing my “baby” for the first time. You can see it here:

I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to finally hold her in my hands; to leaf through the pages and land on passages that I adore, and passages that I adore that I don’t even remember writing! 😉

This is not just “new mom” talking.

A Year to Clear has a presence that even I can’t explain. I’ve already experienced a huge “clearing” in my life since the book landed on my doorstep a few days ago. Though I did not see it coming, big energetic shifts like these no longer surprise me. Baby-step clearing is powerful stuff.

Thank you everyone, for your showering of support over the past weeks. Your comments and testimonials and emails mean more than you know.

p.s. I’m offering some free goodies for anyone who buys (or has bought the book).  Learn more here

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