
Love Earth

Hugh MacLeod is a cartoonist with a beautiful, if quirky message. I subscribe to his daily cartoon blog: Gapingvoid.

Below is his message for today. Happy Earth Day everyone!

“Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic Eruptions, She may not be happy right now, but she’s all we’ve got.

Let’s take care of her.”

–From Gapingvoid

Cartoon image: “Love Earth” by Hugh MacLeod, available for purchase.

A Tribute To <http://gapingvoid.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=028de8672d5f9a229f15e9edf&id=99302f4308&e=dfcec5c854>Earth Day.
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic Eruptions, She may not be happy right now, but she’s all we’ve got.
Let’s take care of her.

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