
Clearing With Intention: Clarify Your Desire

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” –Wayne Dyer.

In last week’s post I talked about a four-part model for clearing that is infinitely more sustainable and lasting. I call it the “Four Pathways of Clearing.”

The first pathway is Intention. This is what it means to clear with intention (excerpted from my book A Year to Clear):

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.” The mind is a powerful generator. Intention is the pathway that helps us clarify what we most desire.

In clearing it isn’t enough to engage the mind purposefully, however. There is a follow-up step that is required once we’ve put our intention out into the world, and that is to let go of attachment to the outcome. When we detach and allow divine intelligence to take care of the details, we create openings, and even better outcomes, we couldn’t even imagine before.

What is it that you most desire for your home and life that you’d like to shine the spotlight on this year? Can you feel into your desire and then get out of the way? This is what it means to clear with intention.

–From A Year to Clear: A Daily Guide to Creating Spaciousness in Your Home and Heart by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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  • What do you notice when you feel into your intentions and let go of attachment of the outcome? Tell us in the comment thread.

UP NEXT: Clearing with Action

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