
Clearing Made Easy: Four Pathways to Success

“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” –Henry David Thoreau.

In my last five posts I’ve introduced a model for clearing that is infinitely more sustainable and lasting called the “Four Pathways of Clearing.” [To read from the beginning, click here.]

Here’s the thing: For clearing to work its magic you need to adopt and integrate all four pathways into a regular daily routine: Intention, Action, Non-Identification, and Compassion. Ignoring one would be like taking a leg off a table. It would lose it’s strength and stability.

Here’s an example of how you might combine all four (excerpted from my book A Year to Clear):

The Four Pathways work together to soften the hardwiring of our past, create openings, and promote a way of being that is effective, nourishing, and lasting.

If you applied the Four Pathways to sorting the mail, for example, your clearing practice might look something like this:

  1. Intention—Set aside one minute a day for a week (for starters). Breathe into the task, and invite ease.
  2. Action—Sort the day’s mail for one minute, with awareness.
  3. Non-identification—Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up with no attachment: notice the jarring resistance when you see a utility bill, or the judgments that are triggered by junk mail.
  4. Compassion—Be kind and gentle with yourself: give yourself props for sticking with the task, or notice how good it feels to put the mail where it belongs.

What is one thing you could do today that incorporates the Four Pathways?

–From A Year to Clear: A Daily Guide to Creating Spaciousness in Your Home and Heart by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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  • Of the four pathways, which one comes easiest to you and which one constitutes your growing edge? Tell us in the comment thread.
  • Maryhelen

    Just discovered you work through FB/Daily Om. I’m signing on! Thank you.

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