
Do it“Kinda is lethal.”–Omeleto

This one is for all you brave ones doing the work of clearing and realizing your dreams. Watch the video (below) to remind you, when you forget, why you’re doing this important work.

AND, this one is also for all of you who don’t feel so brave. For those wanting to do the work it takes, but feeling so stuck, and so lost, and so paralzyed – you can’t see straight or know where to begin.

The dream is everywhere, hovering outside and inside you – in front of your “knows”; inside your heart.

Take the first step. The dream will meet you there if you allow it. And then take another step and another.

Take it slow. But take it.

Happy clearing!

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  • Masha

    Stephanie, thanks for the inspiration. Love the video. <3

  • Linda Rennick

    I needed this so desperately tonight! Thank you for sharing the inspiration and motivation.

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